Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 5, 2011

Tuesday - Eric and I took off work today to recover from the busy weekend. Unfortunately, some of that day was consumed with getting our hot water heater repaired/replaced. On Sunday, our carpet in our closet was slightly wet - I thought it was from laundry in the floor. I didn't think much of it but by Monday it was soaking wet and squished to the touch. Come to find out our hot water heater was leaking. All is well now, we have a new heater. The only thing that was ruined in the process was our carpet in the closet. It smells gross and will probably have to pulled up.

On a different note, I've really been stressing over Alec's eating habits lately. When he was first starting table food, he loved variety. I could feed him anything! The boy loved it all. Well now it's a hard battle to get him to try anything new and he's quickly developed some bad eating habits. I'm thankful he still loves most fruit, toddler pureed vegetables, and organic yogurt but that's about as healthy as it gets. His favorite thing now is (gasp!) hot dogs. I hate it but it's the only meat he'll eat. At dinner, I'll try to give him what we are eating and he just plays with it or refuses it. So, I cave and give him a hot dog or something I know he'll eat. I just can't send him to bed hungry.

I'm hoping this is just a phase and not a long term thing. Eric and I are not picky at all and will most things. I guess I'll just keep trying. Maybe I'll try some new recipes.

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